Mind Lab Post Grad: Week 29: Using social online networks in teaching or professional development

In this blog post I will reflect on how I use social online networks in my professional development using Jay and Johnson’s reflective model.

Step 1 (Descriptive stage):
In my professional development I have used Yammer, Facebook, Google +, blogs and videos.  Yammer is used as a sharing platform at school.  On Facebook I follow several teaching pages.  I am a member of several Google + communities from a range of long term courses that I have been on.  They were supportive during the course and were a valuable resource to refer to.  While at university I wrote a blog and could see myself develop as a teacher.  I have recently restarted reflecting using a blog.  I use YouTube to find videos to support my professional development as I find these are often more engaging than reading long articles.
Step 2 (Comparative stage):
The most popular social media platforms that the group has used to help with our own professional development are the personal social media, social forums, videos and blogs.  One platform I would like to explore more are podcasts.  Before I changed my career to teaching I was a small business owner and I listened to podcasts on how to market my business.  These were inspiring, practical and had me excited to start my day after listening to an episode on my way to work.  I currently spend at least an hour and a half a day travelling to and from work in the car.  This time could be used more productively by listening to an educational podcast.  The challenge for this platform is to find a channel that interest me and can inspire me to keep listening.
I have used Twitter before but I found it overwhelming and difficult to know who to follow.  Whitaker, Zoul & Casas (2015) identified five online sources on how to use Twitter as a professional learning network.  Since reading this article and exploring twitter from the recommendations Whitaker, Zoul & Casas (2015) made I feel more confident in using Twitter as a professional learning network.
Step 3 (critical reflection):
The implications for using social media in professional development are that time will need to be spent getting to know these platforms and how they can work for my professional development.  Finding fellow educators and podcast channels that interest me.  These platforms need to be considered first in my professional development process for them to be valuable.  I need to be an active member in my professional learning network.
Jay and Johnson’s (2002) reflective process has supported me to inform and change my perspective by reflecting on what others are doing and considering how I can be better than before my implementing something new.
Jay, J., & Johnson, K. (2002). Capturing complexity: a typology of reflective practise for teacher education. Teaching And Teacher Education, 18(1), 73085. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0742-051x(01)0051-8
Whitaker, T., Zoul, J., & Casas, J. (2015). What connected educators do differently. New York, NY: Routledge.


  1. Hi Kelly
    Thank you for your post. Like you I have found Twitter overwhelming also. Since reading Whitaker I can see the value of using this platform to find like minds who are passionate and want to be part of change. I have just begun the "Follow 5, Find 5, Take 5" method to create my own PLN and become a more active member. I actually thought I was social media savvy and I am on a personal level but since this reflection process I realise I have a way to go and a whole new 'world' to explore professionally - I am a work in progress! Best wishes on your journey!

  2. I very well agree with both of you. I am also a bit hesitant use use Twitter in school even though some do use in my school. I am comfortable with google sites and do use the google webpage for instructions and collaborate with colleagues. Learning is further supported by sharing youtube clips and videos that enhances learning.

  3. Hi Kelly. I think the Twitter thing comes down to finding an authentic purpose for its use. Its the same with any new tool or platform. A bit daunting is an understatement. Also, how one person uses a particular social media tool is not necessarily how it will work for you. At the end of the day, you need to feel comfortable with what you are doing. I like your idea with the pod casts on the way to work. Even topics that are not directly related to PD. Your students having a happy, energised, life loving, interesting human being for a teacher, will bear its own fruit. Good luck.


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